Our Specialist

Dr Cheng is currently an Allergist and Rheumatologist at Allergy, Arthritis & Rheumatism Clinic, Farrer Park Hospital.

Dr Cheng received his basic medical training at the National University of Singapore. He began his specialist training in Rheumatology, Immunology and Allergy at Tan Tock Seng Hospital. Thereafter, he was awarded a scholarship by the Singapore Ministry of Health to train at the Mayo Clinic of Rochester, Minnesota, (U.S.A.) in 2004.

Upon his return, he established the immunotherapy service for insect venom allergy; the first in Singapore. He then served as Consultant Physician at the Department of Rheumatology, Allergy and Immunology, Tan Tock Seng Hospital (Singapore) before leaving for private practice. He has been performing high-resolution musculoskeletal ultrasound and ultrasound guided procedures since 2004 in his daily clinical practice.

Despite his hectic schedule in private practice, Dr Cheng remains an Adjunct Assistant Professor of Medicine with the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, where he continues to teach both undergraduate and postgraduate students.

Dr Cheng sits on the Board of Farrer Park Hospital (Singapore), Management Committee of Saint Andrew’s Community Hospital (Singapore) and Board of Saint Andrew’s Mission Hospital (Singapore). He is also a Board Member of Asia Pacific League Against Rheumatism (APLAR) and chairs the APLAR Young Rheumatologist network (Asia Pacific).

(郑有鑛医生 - 过敏症,关节炎和风湿病专科诊所)

郑医生毕业于新加坡国立大学医学系。毕业于国立大学医学院,曾在陈笃生医院就职,后他接受新加坡卫生部HMDP奖学金于2004年前往美国的明尼苏达州罗切斯特,世界最著名的医院之一梅奥诊所(Mayo clinic)攻读过敏,免疫和免疫疗法学。回国后,他首创了针对昆虫毒液过敏的免疫治疗法。在拥有自己的私人诊所之前,是新加坡陈笃生医院风湿病,过敏和免疫专科的医生。自2004年以来,他一直在临床上进行高分辨率的肌肉骨骼超声波检查和超声波引导手术。目前,除了繁重的日常就诊工作外,郑博士亦是新加坡国立大学永路林医学院的医学助理教授,继续任教本科生及研究生。除此之外,郑医生也是斐瑞医院董事会成员,新加坡圣安德烈社区医院管理委员会委员和新加坡圣安德烈宣教医院董事会成员。他还是亚太抗风湿病联盟(APLAR)的董事会成员,并担任APLAR青年风湿病专家网络组(亚太地区)的主席。